In fall of 2018 we got the opportunity to pitch for Netflix's newest animated short anthology: Love, Death + Robots. Helmed by filmmakers David Fincher and Tim Miller, the series created some interesting challenges with its format — 18 episodes of completely different characters, animation styles, and durations. I got to lead the winning pitch team with a strategy and creative concepts that aimed at pulling in an engaged audience that was looking for a series that expanded the adult animation genre.
Through a show-don't-tell approach to social content, we teased out the series' awesome animation and high-octane energy. We created a super engaged early audience leading into a countdown-to-midnight 8-hour YouTube livestream that was a first of its kind for Netflix. All-in-all, the show was a massive success (sneakily winning five Primetime Emmys!), and the campaign got some great recognition as well.